August 2008 Update

August 31st 2008
Out goings, In comings and Graduations

A few little updates to report:
The band has had to bid farewell to two members recently:
Ted Sykes (2nd Euph) and Peter Hull (Bass Trom)
After many years commitment Ted has now hung up his Euph to spend more time with his family and Peter has moved to Longridge band on Bass Trom.
Although a sad loss to the band we wish them both all the best in whatever they do.

Welcome to Barclay Jones on B Flat Bass

Congratulations to Nicola Swann (Solo Horn) who has recently graduated from Lancaster University destined for a future of teaching little people… we wish you lots of luck in your career Nic.

Fund raising Concert Singleton Church
Many thanks to all those who supported Martins Kilimanjaro fund raising concert in aid of Macmillan Cancer support. A grand total of £400 was raised and a great evening had by all.