3rd Section contesting for the band

As a bright new year dawns, the players and conductor of the band are getting ready for 3rd section competition, and not to long to wait for our first foray, Brass at the Guild in Preston on 28th January 2018 will be our first outing.

Its been a number of years since the band competed at this level so we need to work hard

The Christmas break may have been a bit of a downtime for the band after a very busy December, but, that hasn’t stopped us from plenty of home practice, everyone is taking this opportunity very seriously and we all want to do well as we can. 

The next outing is not far behind with the North West Area contest in Blackpool on the 25th February, the band have had success topping the 4th section at Blackpool for the past two years and earning our place on the Cheltenham stage for the National finals.

Lets see what this year brings to our Bandroom…. Keep Watching