Congratulations Mr and Mrs Holland

The Big Day is here!, the Wedding of Ian and Nicola took place at the Garstang Golf  Club on the 2nd August 2014. To be honest it was a bit of a surprise to us all as not much had been mentioned about it before hand (wink wink) but Ian Holland (our EEb Bass player) … [Read more…]

March Update 2014

Well to be honest March was pretty quiet for the band, the usual round of rehearsal’s but no performances or contests, hopefully April will be a little more exciting.

February 2014 Update

Welcome to the February update for 2014, this month we put on 2 concerts for the locals of the Fylde coast, the first on our usual stamping ground of Thornton and the other at Fleetwood, but before I talk about these, lets have some news from the band itself. As with all active bands change … [Read more…]

January 2014 Update

Well here we are into the new year, after a hectic Christmas period we have had a somewhat more relaxing January. The Christmas period brought in some well earned funds for the band, swelling the coffers and making it possible to reinvest further in our instrument stock, the purchase of a new Tenor Horn for … [Read more…]