First Concert of 2007

28/01/07 First Concert of 2007
The band played to a receptive audience on Sunday at Thornton Little Theatre. An eclectic selection of music made up the concert including a new work from the pen of our very own Paul Cooper (Soprano) ‘Der Sonder March’, an energetic piece that makes the front row work very hard (does them good though). Speaking of hard work , the soloists Steve Tarry (‘Take me home again Kathleen – Principal Cornet’), Nicola Swann (‘Over the Rainbow- Solo Horn’) and not forgetting a change from the usual with Ian Holland’s E flat bass rendition of The Bombastic Bombardon were all splendidly played. We also mustn’t forget to mention Andrew Swann and Colin Pinington who joined Steve Tarry in the fun trio Three Jolly Sailormen’. Thanks again to the guest players who helped make the concert its usual success.
Also many thanks to all the audience for their support and appreciation and we look forward to seeing you again on 25th February at the Little Theatre for our next concert.
Were you in the audience??
If you were please drop us a line at the band email and give us your feedback about the concert.