December 2007 Update

Xmas Concert 16th December

The bands final concert of 2007 ended with recognition for long service and a debut.
Mr Andrew Swann, solo cornet and long suffering chairman received a surprise speech and presentation from his daughter and solo horn player Nicola for 40 years membership in the band. Andrew was thanked and commended on all aspects of his commitment and dedication to the band, his willingness to help all band members new and old, and other local bands were also recognised. Congratulations Andy, you’re a true asset to the band!!

And from the old timers to the newcomers the concert saw the debut of the newly formed junior band. Under the musical direction of Mr Rod Lewis the juniors entertained the audience during the interval with a selection of festive tunes. We look forward to seeing more of them in 2008.

Congratulations and Thanks.

The band are delighted to congratulate principal cornet player Mr Steve Tarry on his appointment to position of Musical Director of the Longridge Band. Thanks to Steve for all his time, hard work and effort put into the band over the past 2 years and we all wish him every success in his new position.