November 2007 Update

Concert 24th November Salvation Army Citadel Following a fair few weeks preparation and hard work it was all proved to be worth the effort and high blood pressure with a great concert last night at the Salvation Army Citadel. With a near full house the band were joined by the excellent Shakespeare school choir who … [Read more…]

October Update 2007

OCTOBER 2007 – A Much Needed Facelift Well, after many years of everyone agreeing the bandroom needed redecorating we have finally pulled our fingers out and got cracking. Under the professional design / decorating supervision of Andrew ‘Lawrence Llwellyn’ Swann, sanding, filling and painting is well underway and the work of art is hoped to … [Read more…]

August 2007 Update

27th August 2007 – Sad News We are very sorry to announce that Mrs Gladys Swann the bands most longstanding member passed away peacefully in hospital on Sunday, August 12, 2007. Gladys aged, 74 was a member of the band for over thirty years. She was part of 3 generations of her family currently playing … [Read more…]

May 2007 Update

7th May 2007 – Update on Current Vacancies The band is still on the look out for a B flat Bass, Bass Trombone, Solo and Back Row Cornets. However as usual all other players welcome to come along Mon and Thurs 19:30 – 21:30. (See Location Page for more details)

April 2007 Update

30th April 2007 – Hot Pot Supper Well better late than never……10 weeks after Steve arrived as conductor the band had a wee gathering tonight to officially welcome him to the position. -Photies in the gallery for all to view. April 07 – New arrivals Congratulations to Colin Rudge on 1st Horn who has become … [Read more…]

March 2007 Update

March 2007 19/03/07 Vacancies Just a reminder- if you are a player looking for a band then how about popping along to one of our rehearsals (Mon & Thurs 7:30 – 21:30). We are still looking for a Bass trombone, Cornets front and back and a B flat bass. All other players also welcomed. Come … [Read more…]

February 2007

28/02/07 – NEW MUSICAL DIRECTOR We are delighted to announce that the position of Musical Director has been filled by Mr Steve Simpson. The band are very pleased to welcome Steve into the position and are really looking forward to working with him. His first concert leading the band will be 18th March 2007 at … [Read more…]

First Concert of 2007

28/01/07 First Concert of 2007 The band played to a receptive audience on Sunday at Thornton Little Theatre. An eclectic selection of music made up the concert including a new work from the pen of our very own Paul Cooper (Soprano) ‘Der Sonder March’, an energetic piece that makes the front row work very hard … [Read more…]